We've merged with Palleos Healthcare to form a wide-reaching European CRO.
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100+ Pharma and Biotech Companies from across the Globe

Since 2005 we have been managing clinical trials in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS for pharma and biotech clients from around the world.

We are proud and humbled by the trust our sponsors have placed in us since 2005. Our full range of CRO services has helped sponsors worldwide in offshoring their clinical trials and bringing their innovative treatments to market.

Take a look at a fraction of our sponsor roster which includes a variety of pharmaceutical and biotech companies from across the world.

What Sponsors Say about OCT

We'd like to express our gratitude to the OCT team for having successfully completed our study and achieving patient recruitment target ahead of the schedule.

Luke Oh, Ph.D.
Product Evaluation Team Leader, Samsung Bioepis

The OCT Clinical team met our goals under very difficult conditions. The achievement is quite impressive, considering the challenging circumstances imposed by the global pandemic.

BokJin Hyun
Head of Clinical Research, Handok Inc.

We are happy with the results OCT Clinical has been demonstrating as the principal CRO for the project.

Andreas Gerward
CEO, Stayble Therapeutics

OCT Clinical’s ability to meet our recruitment needs within our timeline, especially through the summer months, impressed us.

Alexander Khaymenov, MD, Ph.D.
Head of Clinical Research at a Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories’ representative office

We are pleased to once again work with the professional OCT Clinical team as we continue to generate important scientific evidence related to our MED3000 gel.

James Barder
CEO, Futura Medical

For references and our current client line-up, please contact info@oct-clinicaltrials.com

Why Our Clients Choose Us

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