We've merged with Palleos Healthcare to form a wide-reaching European CRO.
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Сlean Focus and Responsible Actions for a Better World

At OCT Clinical, we are proud to advance sponsors’ clinical development goals while upholding the highest standards of regulatory adherence, environmental responsibility, and patient care.

OCT Clinical has always adhered to the principles of running a sustainable business, standing by its set of values as well as retaining and contributing to the environment. Our goal is to establish lasting values and core principles, create excellent working conditions and give back to the community.

Through our Corporate Social Responsibility program we strive to ensure that not only our operations leave a minimal footprint on the environment and the community, but that we also manage to create value and positive change outside the scope of our primary business processes.

A Leading Oncology CRO Supporting Cancer Treatment
and Research

A Leading Global CRO for Oncology Research

Realizing the immediate role of research in combating serious diseases, OCT Clinical is proud to be an oncology CRO supporting independent scientists who rigorously work on finding effective ways to cure cancer. One such organization is The Foundation for Cancer Research Support (RakFond) where OCT Clinical transfers part of its revenue to contribute to the research and stimulate profound discoveries.

AdVita Cancer Fund

Another initiative launched within the company is placing orders for corporate stationery through a vendor which forwards the funds to the AdVita Cancer Fund, which helps children battling cancer.

Building a “Green” Office

While watching and minimizing OCT Clinical’s overall footprint, the company has been vigorously working on creating a sustainable environment within the offices as well. To that end a series of initiatives has been incorporated across all of the offices of OCT Clinical:

  • Moving toward creating a paperless office by reducing the overall paper consumption and shifting toward all-around e-documented processes;
  • Reduction of overall plastic consumption within offices;
  • Collecting bins for batteries and plastic packaging;
  • Compliance with global recycling standards for office supply waste. Being a service company, OCT Clinical does not produce any hazardous waste;
  • Raising awareness among its employees about taking all reasonable actions to save energy (e.g. turning off computers, switching off lights when not in use, etc.).

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