We've merged with Palleos Healthcare to form a wide-reaching European CRO.
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Data Management

OCT works with web-based data and provides full-service support through all phases of clinical development

Our team is dedicated to delivering high quality and accurate data within the desired timelines and tailored to the sponsors’ specific needs. Results of both internal and external audits of our EDС and Data Management process have verified our compliance with all regulations of data-feeding outlined by respective Ministries of Health, FDA and EMA and local regulating bodies in the countries where we run our operations.

Maximize efficiency of capturing and managing data in a unified reliable and secure system


  • User-friendly interface
  • Integrated randomization system
  • Bilingual application
  • Uploading and storage digital images and other types of files
  • Automatic checks
  • Laboratory module
  • Medical data coding according to the WHODrug Global and MedDRA
  • Reports
  • Automatic notifications
  • Visit tracker
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Trial Supply

  • Integrates with EDC/ IWRS
  • Transparent drug logistics
  • Automatic and manual supplies
  • Distribution of medication among subjects according to treatment groups
  • Online inventory
  • Automatic notifications
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Learn the advice, tips and tricks from the experts to power your data driven decisions.

Why Our Clients Choose Us

We are pleased with OCT Clinical’s ability to meet our data management needs within our timeline.

The results OCT Clinical has been demonstrating as the principal CRO for the project were outstanding.

The OCT Clinical team met our goals under very difficult conditions. The achievement is quite impressive, considering the challenging circumstances imposed by the global pandemic.

Anastasiia Zaitseva
Head of Data Management

Clinical Data Management is critical in clinical research. The goal of data management is to provide statistically sound data with the minimum number of errors and missing values. To achieve that we use various software solutions, which, combined with best practices, help improve data quality.

Learn How We Can Improve Your Research

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