We've merged with Palleos Healthcare to form a wide-reaching European CRO.
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Vision & Mission

ОСТ Clinical is a CRO that operates in Eastern Europe according to international standards, delivering high quality services. Every project is a contribution to the success of our partners’ drug development strategy.


We will continue to serve as a trusted and reliable partner to our existing global clients and every new sponsor that joins our CRO family. Our commitment is to keep delivering high quality, efficient and ethical expertise in our global arena.


We are passionate about our partners and their patients. Our responsibility is to contribute to the ongoing global evolution of medicine, to reduce the burden of drug development timelines, and facilitate access to global medicine for global patients.

Our Approach

We never settle for a compromise when choosing between quality, timeline and budget. We always deliver the best on all three. This concept is built on the accumulated experience of the team of professionals and procedures polished throughout the years.

Our Values

1. Impeccable quality ingrained in our DNA

True passion about professional matters is the cornerstone of our team’s approach. Here at OCT, projects are not just a workflow, but a part of our life where we treat each study on an individual basis. Quoting one of our clients: “OCT overdelivers.”

2. Transparency and commitment every step of the way as a basis for professionalism

Transparency and honest communication ensure clear understanding of the situation by sponsors and sites, early detection of risks and thorough respect for the interests of both sponsors and patients.

3. Integrity as a partnership style

With a strong focus on sponsors’ needs and concerns, OCT functions not as a mere mechanism, but as an intelligent organism that allows as much attention to be paid to the project as it deserves, while offering the most optimal win-win solutions under any circumstances.

4. Effective communication to steer your trials to success

It is all about people and communication. We run our communication with sponsors through a “one window” model where all questions and issues are dealt with within a 24/7 period. We are always an email or a phone call away.

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