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Case Study: How To Recruit 236 Patients In An Osteoarthritis Study On Time During The Peak Of The Pandemic

A leading Eastern European contract research organization successfully completed the recruitment of 236 subjects in a Phase III osteoarthritis study for the Korean pharmaceutical manufacturer, Handok Inc., despite hurdles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. They also managed to wisely deal with budget matters, for instance, allocating unused travel budgets to cover additional monitoring, remote monitoring hours, and the hours put in by data managers for query resolution. Apart from the immediate contribution to the overall research, the study has extended the knowledge of the efficacy and safety of an adhesive plaster for knee osteoarthritis. In the available case study, read about the hurdles and the solutions for overcoming them, as well as the major drivers of the study’s success.

Download the case study to find out the details of the study.

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