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Applied Clinical Trials: Futura Medical Partners with OCT Clinical to Run FM71 Study

Futura Medical has partnered with OCT Clinical to run its FM71 clinical study for MED3000 in erectile dysfunction in four countries: Bulgaria, Poland, Georgia, and the USA. The companies have already reported the first patient entering the screening in Georgia earlier this week.

This is a multi-center, randomized, open-label, home use, parallel group, clinical investigation of topically-applied MED3000 gel and oral tadalafil tablets for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) over a 24-week period. This clinical investigation is intended to assess the efficacy and safety of MED3000 gel in 100 male patients clinically diagnosed with a mix of mild, moderate, and severe ED. The enrollment target will include 20 African American patients (from the US) and 80 patients from Eastern Europe, who will undergo a seven-month study.

Read the full article at Applied Clinical Trials official website.[1]

[1] https://www.appliedclinicaltrialsonline.com/view/futura-medical-partners-with-oct-clinical-to-run-fm71-study

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