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World Immunization Week 2023: Warum Wir Es Bei OCT Clinical Feiern

Two years ago the Merriam-Webster Dictionary declared ‘vaccine’ as Word Of The Year 2021. Indeed, in recent years, due to all the hurdles caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic, we have realized once again how crucial vaccination can be. Luckily, the brightest minds have managed to find effective COVID vaccines and now our primary goal is to make them accessible in every corner of the world and, by extension, help the whole world population to become immune.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 is not the only infection that we still have to fight. Currently, there are countless people, especially in less-developed countries, who are still suffering and dying from a range of vaccine-preventable diseases. According to WHO reports, more than 1.5 million people die every year because of lack of vaccinations, while immunization to common diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, and measles prevents 3.5-5 million fatalities annually. [1]

Nonetheless, despite significant progress in vaccination coverage in recent years, disruption associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have caused a decline in global vaccination coverage. Indeed, almost 25 million children missed out on vital vaccinations in 2021, 6 million more than in 2019 and the highest number since 2009. [2]

Therefore, in the last week of April of each year world healthcare communities celebrate World Immunization Week, which this year has the motto ‘The Big Catch-Up’. The campaign aims to assist in getting millions of children who missed out on vaccines during the pandemic back on track in terms of vaccinations and to bring essential immunization coverage to at least 2019 levels. The ultimate goal of WHO’s World Immunization Week is to provide greater protection against vaccine-preventable diseases for more children, adults and communities, enabling them to lead healthier and happier lives.

OCT Clinical is taking part in global events devoted to World Immunization Week. Our team understands better than anyone the importance of vaccination and immunization, and we work hard to contribute to the global vaccines research and development. Learn more about our expertise in vaccine clinical trials on our Therapeutic Experience Hub and case studies.

[1] Vaccines and immunization Overview WHO: https://www.who.int/health-topics/vaccines-and-immunization#tab=tab_1

[2] Vaccines and immunization Overview WHO: https://www.who.int/health-topics/vaccines-and-immunization#tab=tab_1

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